IBM Security™ Verify solution provides deep, AI-powered context for both consumer and workforce identity.
UX/UI Lead | User flow | UX Research | SEO Strategy | Project plan | Navigation | Wireframes | Mockups | Competitive research
Core Team
Annmarie Avila | Alex Ku | Carlos Ruiz | Kijoo Pyo | Judi Adolino
— Unify navigation ecosystem to bring together Verify products scattered throughout the ibm.com site
— Update outdated visuals
— Examine low page visits and trial engagement
— Envision the full digital experience
Action 1
Competitive research
Action 2
Page optimization
Analysis concluded a need for improved inclusion of keywords, clearer and more differentiated messaging such as deployment options, partners plus quicker route for developers to content they need.
Action 3
Sitemap creation
In the existing product ecosystem it was difficult to understand which products fell under the Verify suite. A refreshed user journey to build value for Verify brand by highlighting depth of products users had missed before. A comprehensive UX, design and content strategy created a deeper, more relevant web presence.
+295% in trial responses
+90% in organic traffic engaged visits
Handoff Deck
Once the Verify was successfully transformed we created a hand off deck that included links to essential files, visual guidance and UX work flow tips. This was important to create for future teams working on Verify updates to ensure good quality work is maintained.